How To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift [LATEST 2023]

Have you ever been told thank you for an unexpected gift?

It’s nice when someone remembers your birthday, but if they didn’t then you’re likely wondering what to do, right?

Well in this post I’m going to show you how to say thank you for unexpected gifts.

How To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift
How To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift

Table of Contents

What is an Unexpected Gift?

An unexpected gift is a gift that is not what the recipient was expecting. They can be great or they can be terrible.

The best way to thank someone for an unexpected gift is to say thank you and then offer your opinion on the gift.

What to Do When Someone Gives You an Unexpected Gift?

It is a common belief that when someone gives you an unexpected gift, you should pretend that it is something you wanted.

However, this is not always the case. It all depends on the situation and how much you value the relationship with the person who gave you the gift.

There are many ways to react to a surprise gift. You can say thank you, pretend like it was something that you wanted, or return it depending on your personal preferences and what is best for your relationship with the giver.

If you were lucky enough to receive Amazon gift cards as presents, then you’re in for a treat! There are many different ways you can use these cards to get the most out of your shopping experience.

To make things easy for you, we’ve put together a helpful go-to guide on Amazon gift cards that we think you’ll love:
➡️ When Do Amazon Gift Cards Expire?
➡️ 5+ Places To Use Amazon Gift Card Besides Amazon

Why It’s Important to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift?

It’s important to say thank you for an unexpected gift because expressing gratitude is polite and shows respect.

Taking the time to express your appreciation lets the giver know that their gesture was appreciated and that it made a difference in your day.

It also helps foster positive relationships between people, as well as create warm memories of shared experiences.

Saying “thank you” when someone gives us something unexpected is not only courteous, but it can also make the other person feel special and appreciated too.

In addition, saying “thank you” after receiving an unexpected gift is often seen as a sign of good manners and etiquette – something which we could all use more of in our lives!

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What to Say When Someone Gives You an Unexpected Gift?

When you receive an unexpected gift, it can be difficult to know what to say.

You want to express your appreciation without sounding too casual or coming off as ungrateful.

Here are some tips on how to best express your gratitude when someone gives you an unexpected gift:

  • Say “Thank You” – This may seem obvious but the most important thing is making sure the person knows that you appreciate their thoughtfulness. A sincere “thank you” will always make the other person feel appreciated and show them that you value their gesture.
  • Give Specific Praise & Gratitude – To take your thank you a step further, try expressing more specific praise for the gift itself and what it means to you. For example, saying something like “This was so thoughtful of you! I love it” shows more genuine appreciation than just saying “thanks” alone.
  • Show Your Appreciation with Actions – If words aren’t enough or if they don’t come naturally, consider showing your gratitude through actions instead. For instance, sending a card or handwritten note can be a great way to express your appreciation, it’s personal yet doesn’t require as much effort as finding something else for them in return.
  • Return the Favor – If you’re able, return the favor by getting them something in return. A thoughtful gift or treat that is not expected can be an excellent way to show your appreciation for their thoughtfulness and kindness. At the end of the day, no matter how you choose to express your gratitude, make sure it’s sincere and genuine, that’s what matters most!

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift?

It can be difficult to express your appreciation for an unexpected gift.

Whether it’s from a close friend, family member, colleague, or stranger, expressing gratitude for an unexpected present is important.

Here are some tips on how to say thank you for an unexpected gift:

  1. Show Immediate Appreciation: When opening the gift and discovering that it’s something you weren’t expecting – make sure to express your appreciation right away! A simple “thank you” will show the giver that their thoughtfulness was noticed and appreciated.
  2. Send a Handwritten Note: Sending a handwritten note of thanks is always meaningful and shows that you put extra effort into expressing your gratitude. You can still include some words of immediate appreciation when receiving the gift but sending a follow-up thank-you note emphasizes just how much value the gesture had for you and lets them know their time and energy were worth it!
  3. Keep It Simple & Specific: Whenever possible try to keep your message short – no more than two sentences – so that there isn’t any room left for ambiguity or misinterpretation of the intent behind your words. Making specific references to what they gave you helps highlight why this particular item was especially special (i.e., “I was so touched that you remembered my favorite color when picking out this scarf”).
  4. Express Gratitude for the Thought: Don’t forget to acknowledge why it’s special – thank them not just for the physical item itself but also for taking the time and thought to pick something out just for you. Showing sincere appreciation will make your gratitude even more meaningful!

Saying thank you for an unexpected gift can be difficult, but it’s important to show how much you appreciate someone’s kind gesture.

By expressing immediate appreciation upon receiving a gift, sending a handwritten note of thanks, and keeping your message specific and full of gratitude – your message of thanks will surely be well-received by the giver!

After learning how to express gratitude for the gift you received, you may begin to question whether the item you received qualifies as a gift.

To help clarify this, we’ve created an awesome guide on the topic of when a gift is not considered a gift. For a more in-depth understanding, you can read the article by clicking here.

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift From a Company

Showing gratitude is a great way to build relationships and show appreciation for gifts, especially when they are unexpected.

Whether it’s from an individual or a company, expressing thanks for an unexpected gift can help strengthen the relationship.

Here are some tips on how to say thank you for an unexpected gift from a company:

  1. Acknowledge the Gift: Let the sender know that you received the surprise present with enthusiasm and express your genuine appreciation.
  2. Take Time To Respond Promptly: Depending on how big or small of a gesture it was, make sure to respond in kind by taking time out of your day to send them back useful feedback or just simply saying thank you!
  3. Express Your Gratitude Publicly: Showing public recognition is one of the best ways of thanking someone who gave you an unexpected gift from their company – it not only acknowledges but also celebrates their generosity which will further strengthen your relationship!
  4. Follow Up With An Action Plan: After expressing your gratitude, create an action plan that demonstrates what impact this thoughtful gesture had on your life/business/etc. so that both parties benefit mutually in future interactions as well!

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift From Boss

Expressing appreciation for an unexpected gift from your boss is a great way to show respect and gratitude.

While it’s important to say “thank you” in person, a thoughtful note can go a long way. Here are some tips on how best to express your thanks:

  1. Be Specific: Acknowledge the thoughtfulness of the gift by mentioning why it was such a surprise or what made it special. This will show your boss that you truly appreciate the gesture.
  2. Be Sincere: Make sure that your note conveys genuine feelings of appreciation and gratitude, rather than simply going through the motions with empty words or forced politeness.
  3. Express Gratitude: Let them know exactly how thankful you are for their kindness by expressing your sincere thanks with phrases like “I am incredibly grateful” or “You have my deepest appreciation”.
  4. Offer Something In Return: Even if it’s something small like baking them cookies, this extra gesture will demonstrate just how much their generosity has meant to you and show that you want to return their kindness in any way possible!

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift From Family

When receiving an unexpected gift from family, it’s important to express your gratitude and appreciation.

Showing that you are thankful for the surprise can be a great way to strengthen family ties while also helping to make them feel appreciated.

Here are some tips on how to say thank you for an unexpected gift from family:

  1. Express your appreciation sincerely – Express genuine appreciation for the thoughtfulness of their gesture with words like “I appreciate this” or “Thank you so much for thinking of me!”
  2. Describe what the gift means – Share why the gift is meaningful and special to you by expressing how it made you feel when they gave it, such as “This was so thoughtful of you – I am speechless!”
  3. Reach out with a heartfelt thank-you note – Take time after receiving the present to send a written note or card expressing your thanks in more detail and reminding them again of why the gesture meant so much. This helps show that even though life has been busy since then, they were still remembered and appreciated long after they gave their gift.

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift From Friends

Saying thank you for an unexpected gift from friends can be a tricky task, but it’s important to make sure your appreciation is conveyed in the best way possible.

Here are some tips on how to express gratitude for an unexpected gift from friends:

  1. Express Your Appreciation Genuinely – Show your friend that you truly appreciate their thoughtfulness by expressing your sincere gratitude. Let them know how meaningful the gesture was and why it means so much to you.
  2. Send a Personalized Note – A handwritten note is always appreciated as it will add a personal touch and show that special care was taken. Make sure to include specific details about what you love about the present they gave you!
  3. Be Thoughtful With Your Gift In Return – Sending something in return shows that we value our friendships enough to give back too! If budget allows, getting them something small or personalized can be greatly appreciated as well!

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift From Sister

Showing gratitude for an unexpected gift from your sister is important to maintain a good relationship and express appreciation.

Whether it’s her birthday or just because it’s always nice to show that you care by expressing your thanks in the right way.

Here are some tips on how to say thank you for an unexpected gift from your sister:

  • Acknowledge their Thoughtfulness – Let them know that you recognize how thoughtful they were in sending you something special. Mention specific items or why the gift was meaningful and be sure not to miss any details!
  • Express Your Gratitude Genuinely – Thanking someone with sincerity is key; if possible, do so in person instead of sending a text or email message. Make eye contact as you talk about what the present means and tell them why it made such an impact on you.
  • Show How You Appreciate Gift – In addition to verbalizing your appreciation, make sure that your sister knows how much her gesture meant to you by using positive body language such as smiling, nodding affirmatively when she talks about giving gifts, and thanking her again before leaving.
  • Send a Follow-up Note – Send a follow-up note after receiving the surprise present will and show your sister how much her gift was appreciated. Include thoughtful words expressing your gratitude, along with a photo of you enjoying the gift or wearing it if it’s an article of clothing.
  • Offer to Return the Favor – Letting your sister know that you’d like to return the favor in some way can be a great way to express appreciation for unexpected gifts. Whether it’s cooking dinner for her or taking care of something she needs to be done, showing that you are willing to give back will make her feel even more special.

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift From Coworkers

Showing appreciation for a gift you weren’t expecting can be tricky.

Luckily, there are lots of ways to show gratitude when your coworkers surprise you with a present!

Here are some tips on how to say thank you for an unexpected gift from coworkers:

  1. Send a personalized thank-you card or email: A handwritten note or even an email expressing your deep appreciation and gratitude will let them know just how much the gesture meant to you.
  2. Give them something in return: If possible, give them something small in return as a token of your appreciation, it doesn’t have to be anything expensive, but it could be a special treat like lunch at their favorite restaurant or tickets to see their favorite sports team play live.
  3. Bring treats into work for everyone involved with the gift-giving process: Showing collective appreciation is always more effective than individual thanks, so why not bring some coffee and donuts one day and invite everyone who was part of getting that unexpected gift for you? This will help create positive feelings all around the office and make sure everyone feels appreciated!
5 Ways To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift From Boyfriend

When your boyfriend surprises you with an unexpected gift, it can be hard to know how to express your gratitude.

Saying “thank you” is essential, but there are many other ways to show appreciation for the thoughtful gesture.

Here are some tips on how to say thank you for an unexpected gift from your boyfriend:

  1. Express Your Gratitude: Let him know that his gesture meant a lot and was much appreciated. A simple “Thank You” will never go unappreciated!
  2. Give Him a Hug or Kiss: Showing physical affection is another way of expressing gratitude and letting him know just how thankful you are for his thoughtful gesture.
  3. Send Him a Handwritten Note: One of the best ways to say thank you for any kind of surprise gift is by sending him a handwritten letter or card expressing your appreciation – this will mean more than words alone can convey!
  4. Give Him Something in Return: If he gave something particularly meaningful, consider surprising him with something special in return – whether it’s tickets to see his favorite band, dinner at his favorite restaurant, or even just a heartfelt card with some kind words written inside – this will show him that what he did meant something to you.
  5. Make Sure He Knows How Much the Gift Meant to You: Even after expressing your gratitude verbally and through gestures, make sure he knows how much his gift meant to you. Let him know that it was more than just a present – it made your day!

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift From a Client

Expressing gratitude for an unexpected gift from a client is an important part of maintaining and strengthening relationships with them.

A heartfelt thank you shows your appreciation and can help foster a positive and professional connection.

Here are some tips to help you express your thanks for the unexpected gift:

  1. Express Your Gratitude – The most important thing is to genuinely thank the client for their thoughtfulness in giving you an unexpected gift. Let them know how much it means to you that they would take the time out of their day to think of you in this way.
  2. Send An Appropriate Response – Depending on the type of relationship, sending a card or note expressing your thanks could be appropriate, while an email might be more appropriate if you have less frequent contact with that client. When writing your response, make sure to use respectful language and keep it brief but sincere.
  3. Follow Up With A Thank You Conversation – If possible, schedule a call or meeting with them so that you can express your gratitude in person as well as over email or card (if already sent). This will show them just how much their gesture meant to you and provide another opportunity to strengthen the professional relationship between yourself and the client.

How to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift Card

Saying thank you for an unexpected gift card is a thoughtful gesture that shows appreciation and gratitude.

Expressing your thanks in the right way can make all the difference, so here are some tips on how to say thank you for an unexpected gift card:

  1. Send a personalized note of appreciation – A handwritten or typed message expressing your gratitude will go a long way toward showing your thoughtfulness. Be sure to mention why you appreciate the gift and how it was such a surprise!
  2. Give them a call – If possible, give them a call directly to express your gratitude in person. Not only does this show that you care, but it also allows you to have an authentic conversation about the gift they gave you – allowing both parties to connect more deeply than just sending something through email or post office mail.
  3. Show off their kind act – Share photos or stories of how much happiness their generous gift brought into your life with friends and family members online (with permission). This demonstrates that not only did they think highly enough of you to buy something special, but also allowed others to recognize their kindness as well!

The Importance of Saying “Thank You”

This section is about the importance of saying “thank you.” Saying thank you is important because it shows appreciation and gratitude. It also helps people feel appreciated and respected.

The first way to say thank you is “thanks”, which is the most common way to say thank you in English.

The second way to say thank you is “thank you very much”, which can be used when someone does something for us that we are very thankful for.

The third way to say thank you is “thank you so much”, which can be used when someone does something for us that we are more than just thankful for.

Thank You Messages for the Unexpected Gift

Expressing gratitude can be difficult, especially when someone surprises you with an unexpected gift.

Whether it’s a housewarming present or a random act of kindness, there are many ways to say thank you for an unexpected gift.

Here are some meaningful and heartfelt messages that will help you show your appreciation:

  • “Your thoughtfulness is overwhelming! Thank you so much for the unexpected gift.”
  • “I’m touched by your generosity and kind thoughts. Thank you for such an amazing surprise!”
  • “It was so sweet of you to send me this thoughtful gift. I appreciate it!”
  • “You didn’t have to get me anything but your kindness still made my day — thank you!”
  • “This was nothing short of wonderful – thank you! Your thoughtfulness means the world to me.”
  • “My words cannot express how thankful I am right now – thank you so much for this special surprise!”

What Is a Proper Way to Say “Thank You” When Someone Gives You Something?

A proper way to say thank you is to acknowledge the person’s generosity and offer a word of thanks. Some people like to use “thank you”, others prefer “thanks”, and some just say “you’re welcome.”

Thank you cards are a great way of showing gratitude and appreciation. They can be sent in the mail or delivered in person.

What is the Best Way to Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift?

Thanking someone is an important part of human interaction. It’s a gesture of goodwill and gratitude. It’s also a great way to show appreciation for the person who has given you a thoughtful gift.

It can be difficult to find the right words when we’re trying to thank someone for their generosity, but some phrases are well-known and used often in this situation.

We’ve compiled a list of these phrases below, with some examples of how they might be used in a sentence.

  • It was so thoughtful of you to…
  • I can’t thank you enough for…
  • It’s been a real pleasure getting to know you, and I’m so glad we’ve been able to help each other out in this difficult time.
  • “Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift!”

The best way to say thank you for an unexpected gift is by being sincere, grateful, and appreciative.

How to Say Thank You in Style

Thanking someone for an unexpected gift or a favor is not just a polite gesture. It’s a way of showing your appreciation and gratitude.

There are many ways to say thank you, but it’s important to tailor your response to the person who has done something for you.

The following tips will help you find the right words and phrases to say thank you in style.

Compliments: Compliments are simple ways to say thank you. When someone does something nice for you, thank them by complimenting them on their service or kindness. Complimenting a person is also a great way to start a conversation with them because it shows that you’re interested in what they have to say and that you value their presence.

Examples: “I appreciate the time you took to help me.” “The drinks were delicious, thank you for getting them for me.” “I had a wonderful time tonight I enjoyed our conversation.” “You looked beautiful in that dress!”

Tease: A tease is a playful form of gratitude. Teasing someone means that you’re being playful and lighthearted, but you still want to show them how much you appreciate their kindness. You can also use a tease as an excuse for why you did something for someone else without actually having to give a reason.

Examples: “I wouldn’t be nearly as fabulous without my handsome companion.” “My beautiful wife always makes me look good.” “You were the only person brave enough to wear that.”

Thank-You: Thank-you is a compliment you give someone explicitly for a specific thing they did and usually after they’ve done it. A thank-you is more than just saying “thank you,” it’s showing your appreciation and happiness for the other person.

How to Say “Thank You” Without Ruining the Surprise

The first thing on your mind after receiving a gift is thanking the person who gave it to you. But how do you do that without ruining the surprise?

There are many ways to say “thank you” without ruining the surprise, and these include:

  • Saying “Thank You” in Person or by Phone
  • Sending a Thank You Card
  • Sending a Thank You Email
  • Saying “Thank You” in Person or by Phone
  • Sending a Thank You Card
  • Sending a Thank You Email

Best Ways to Write a Thank You Card

Thank you cards are a great way to say thank you to someone who has done something for you. Whether it’s a teacher, family member, or friend, it’s always nice to express your gratitude with a card.

The thank you card is the perfect way to show your appreciation and gratitude for someone who has done something for you. It’s also the perfect last-minute gift idea!

In this section, we’ll talk about how to write a thank you card, what makes an effective one, and some examples of cards people have written in the past.

How to Write a Thank You Card: A thank you card is a great way to say thank you to someone who has done something for you. Whether it’s a teacher, family member, or friend, it’s always nice to express your gratitude with this card.

Here are some tips on how to write one:

  1. Write the note in English.
  2. First, write your name and the person you are leaving the note for.
  3. Next, choose a thank-you card template. You can find plenty of templates online and in stores that feature a variety of arrangements and colors.
  4. When writing your message, be sure to include what you appreciate about this person as well as any other message that would make them feel special.

Tips For Writing & Sending Your Thank You Note

There are many ways to say thank you for an unexpected gift. You can send a thank you card, write a note or even say it in person. The best way to say thank you for an unexpected gift is to do it as soon as possible and be sincere.

We have created a simple template that you can use when writing your thank-you note. This template includes the following:

  • The date
  • Your name
  • The title of the gift
  • A sentence about how much you liked the gift
  • A sentence about how this will help your life or business


Dear ________, Thank you so much for the lovely gift! I love how it will help me in my daily routine. It was also a great surprise and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Sincerely, ________

How to Write and Send A Thank-You Email

A thank-you email is more than just a polite gesture. It’s a way to show that you appreciate your client and their business. A thank-you email will not only help you build goodwill with your clients but it can also be used as a marketing tool.

It is important to remember that the tone of your email should be polite and professional, but it doesn’t have to be stiff or dull, so keep it casual.

Types of Gifts that Deserve a More Thoughtful Gesture

It is quite common for people to give presents to show appreciation or thankfulness. But not all gifts are the same. Some are more thoughtful than others and deserve a more thoughtful gesture.

The three types of gifts that deserve a more thoughtful gesture are:

  • Gifts that are personalized to the recipient’s interests.
  • Gifts that reoccur over time.
  • Gifts with sentimental value.

The Timing of a “Thank You” Gift

A “thank you” gift is a type of gift that is given to someone in recognition of their help or kindness. It can be a token of appreciation for the person’s efforts, or simply an acknowledgment of their existence.

It is important to know that timing matters when it comes to giving thanks. You should never wait until the last minute and give your thanksgiving card or birthday present on the day it’s being celebrated.

There are many reasons why you should buy a “thank you” gift in advance:

  • You will have time to make sure that the gift will be perfect for them
  • You won’t have to worry about forgetting about it
  • You will avoid any chance of embarrassment by not forgetting what you like

How an Unexpected Gift Can Be an Opportunity To Build a Better Relationship

It is said that the best gifts are those that you don’t expect. If a person is constantly giving you what you want and expects, then it can be a bit unfulfilling.

But, if they give you something out of the blue, it can be an opportunity to build a better relationship.

People who have been married for 10 years or more say that they never stop giving each other unexpected gifts. This is because they want to show their spouse how much they love them and keep them feeling special in their day-to-day lives.

How To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift

Ways To Surprise Someone Who Has Gifted You Something Special

Surprising someone with a gift is always a great feeling. It is not only the thought that counts, but also the surprise element. If you are looking for some great present ideas for your friends and family, then this guide will help you find something perfect for them.

Here are some tips on how to give and receive a surprise or unwanted present:

  • Keep it simple with a small token of appreciation like a card or flowers.
  • Surprise someone with an unexpected gift by giving them their favorite food, drink, or snack.
  • Get creative and make your DIY presents such as a photo frame, photo album, or personalized mug.

What To Do When Someone Has Sent You An Unsolicited Gift?

When someone sends you a gift, it is not always a good thing. Sometimes we get gifts that we don’t want, or we get something that we don’t like.

The first thing to do is to thank the person for the gift. This will show gratitude and appreciation for their gesture.

There are many different ways to handle an unwanted present depending on your personality and situation. You can politely refuse the gift and tell them why, or you can send it back with a note of explanation on why you didn’t want it in the first place.

If you’re wondering what to do with a bad present – there are plenty of options! You could trade it with someone else, donate it to charity, or sell it to make some money off of it!

FAQs On How To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift

How To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift?

A thank you for an unexpected gift is a thoughtful gesture that lets the giver know that you appreciate their generosity. It’s important to send a thank you letter, email, or text message (depending on the type of gift) as soon as possible after receiving the present.

How To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Gift Card?

A thank you note is a great way to show gratitude for an unexpected gift card. You can use the card to buy something that you have been wanting or save it for a rainy day.

How To Say Thank You For An Unexpected Christmas Gift?

Say it like this: Thank you for the unexpected Christmas gift!
It was so thoughtful of you to give me a Christmas gift, and I appreciate it.
I’m so excited to see what you got me!
I hope you have a great holiday season.

What Do You Write in a Thank-You Note for an Unexpected Gift?

When saying thank you for an unexpected gift card, be sure to express your gratitude and appreciation for the thoughtful gesture. Let them know how much it means to you and why it is special.

Is It Necessary to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift?

Yes, it is important to show your appreciation for an unexpected gift by expressing your gratitude. Making sure to express your thanks shows the recipient that you recognize their generosity and thoughtfulness.

What Are Some Unique Ways to Say Thank You for an Unexpected Gift?

Say thank you for the unexpected gift card with a heartfelt message, a handmade card or letter, an email of appreciation, or even a creative gesture like sending flowers.

What Are Some Dos and Don’Ts of Saying Thank You for an Unexpected Gift?

Do: Express your appreciation for the thoughtfulness of the gift. Show genuine enthusiasm and gratitude. Let them know how their gift will be used or enjoyed. Don’t: Overshare details about the gift you received if it was expensive, as this may make your thank you appear insincere.

How Long Do You Have to Say Thank You for a Gift?

Expressing your gratitude when you receive an unexpected gift card is a great way to show the giver that their thoughtfulness was appreciated. Saying thank you in a timely manner can make all the difference and help strengthen relationships with loved ones.

Is It Okay to Say Thank You via Text or Email for an Unexpected Gift?

Expressing your gratitude for an unexpected gift card is important, but you may be wondering if it’s best to say thank you in person or through a message. Sending a text or email is perfectly acceptable and can be just as meaningful as saying it in person!

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